Here Again…

Looking out my window I’m greeted by my new surroundings. Shadows of the horizon creeping up over the trees as the day says goodbye. Some things change but most things remain familiar patterns. Hiccups along the way interrupt our schedules but the drum beat is never drowned out and the rhythm is the same.

Amidst all this nature is on repeat. It’s instructions on auto-pilot until it’s DNA code is updated to he next version. Code that has been so beautifully written that there has not been one to date. Lines and lines of design uploaded to that canvas we call Life.

If we rewind to the beginning we seem like we’ve come so far as we’ve built on top of each iteration of our predecessors. Building and building and building on top of that canvas for those we will leave behind. We are instruction sets of programs of builders who have limited spans to come and go. Some programs will have more and some less. Some will have errors and some will have bugs. But all of us have a piece of that majestic code that the painter built nature with in us. It can’t be extracted but it can chosen to be used more or less. Who knows better how to use it than the architect? Some achieve self-enlightenment but it’s really just self written code laid over the designers original design. It’s good but it’s not Life.



